Exposition GODON-Etaples-sur-mer-FRANCE

Exhibition LE CARNET DE VOYAGE D’ALAIN GODON from October 16, 2021 to January 2, 2022

On the "Place du General de Gaulle »(renamed for the occasion "Musée de la Place") as well as at the Chantier Leprêtre, starting from October 16, 2021 to January 2, 2022, the city of Étaples-sur-mer welcomes the international artist Alain Godon for an exhibition project of his works on several sites in the town.
About fifty reproductions will be exhibited on the "Place du General de Gaulle", but also along the port and in a few streets of the city center. A journey to discover his art will allow you to travel through the many destinations illustrated by Alain Godon.

In parallel with this veritable open-air museum, other works by the artist can be seen at the shipyard, the media library, the Tourist Office and in the hall of the Town Hall.